Hello people!
Today I wanna talk you about a person that I admire, his name is Ernesto "che" Guevara de la Serna, and his born on 14th of june of 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. He was a politician, warrior, writer and a medicician.
The Che Guevara was a important part of the Cuba revolution´s, was the major of the squad4, the president of the military school, and the rigt hand of Fidel Castro the major chief of the revolution.
I think his is the best in his area because never sold his opinion for personal interest, and his was solidary, friendship and faithful with all the people who needed him in every moment, in every place.
Him had many qualities for be the best, for example, he always was a puntually person, disciplined, faitfull and hade many courage in each battle, also he was very smart, a excellent politician and had a cold mind for takes importans decision in any circumstamce.
The reason that I admire him is very simple, I think that him is a example of faithfull and courage for any people in the world, he was a person that always think first in the others and after in him.
For be the best in mi opinion his done many think, but I remark the fact that was a excellente revolucionary and a excellent person.
After his death, his transformed in a world symbol against the social injustice and a big spirit.
Well that is all for today, Bye! and remember:
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