martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

hello people
Today I wanna talks you about a interesting video called "¿schools kill creativity?, is about a conference realized for Sir Ken Robinson (a creativity expert) about the education system, and who this system eliminated the children`s possibility to be an artist, a musician, a writter, an actor, a painted, etc.
Well the conference centres on this capacity of the children and on how we have wasted it across the educational current system. On the exhibition are three topics: first the extraordinary evidence of the creativity humanizes, second the uncertainty that this produces on the future and third the extraordinary capacity of the children: capacity of innovation.
the expositor thinks that the creativity must have the same importance that the literacy since, if the children lack fear of being wrong this it makes them come to original results, and says that the educational systems prepare the people with the idea of that a mistake can be the worst thing that can happen and as result to remove the people of their creative capacity; there are taught they out of this capacity because there is prioritized what is taught stopping in last place to the arts.
For him the educational system is based on the idea of academic capacity, and that cause a imposibbility to be an artist.

see you when I see you!

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