jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My future

Hello friends!
Today I wanna tells you about the expectatives that I have for my professional and personal future. Well I believe that in five years more I being a succesfull profesional and a good human been, because I always try learn a lot, be loyal and I never surrender in my life, even thought I Believes in the beaty of the life, and when the life kick me I show it mi better smile.
In a few years more I wanna going to live alone or with a few friends, the idea is been independent from my parents, have my owns rules, take my own decisions, take my own risks and make a lot of parties with my friends, my brother and my girl.
Most of the people in the world had an ideal future with many expensive cars, a beautiful girl or boy, an expensive house, a job with lkot of money, many kids, etc. But my ideal future is most simple than that I wanna been a culture person, been happy, and have many friends.

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