jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

Hello people!
Today I wanna talks you about the ideal job in my opinion, it´s characteristics, the qualities tha I need for have the job, etc

Well my ideal job should be a very important position inside the government of my country, a government minister, a president of some directory, a senator, subsecretary of some ministery, and finally when I have all the requirements, a lot of experience and a successful career, its my dream and my ideal job be the President of the Chilean Republic.

For be a government minister, and a president of the republic is not easier you need many qualities and many skills, for example I need more of 35 years, a career, a good oratory and be a leader.

Well I would be good in the job because I am a very persistent person, I have good oratory, and many ideals that move my body for be a excellent person and of this form finished the injustice in my country.

The dificcult for obtain this job is the fact tha the politics is a dirty game and many people figth to see me fall down, but their people never made theirs purpurse!

see you!

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