jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

Hello people, how are you?
Today I wanna talks you about my favorite subject in my career, Public Administration, the subject´s name is "Historia de las instituciones politicas y administrativas de chile", and the teacher´s name is Bernando Navarrete yañez the better theacher that teach me in this moment in my opinion.
Well I like this subject for many reasons, for it´s importance, it´s theaching, for it´s theacher.
This subject is about the history of the institutions in my beatiful country, his characteristic, and his importance in my career and in my future job. Also this subject help me for understand many circuntances and many surprises that can exist in my future job.
The theacher of the subject that I like is a very prepared men, have a doctor in Goberment and Public Administration in the university institut Ortega y Gasset of Madrid, Spain, a magister in Politics science. in the Politic science institut of Universidad Catolica de Chile and a Magister in Socials science in the "Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina y Estudios Sociales"
bye people see you soon

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