Hello people!
Today I wanna talks you about the ideal job in my opinion, it´s characteristics, the qualities tha I need for have the job, etc
Well my ideal job should be a very important position inside the government of my country, a government minister, a president of some directory, a senator, subsecretary of some ministery, and finally when I have all the requirements, a lot of experience and a successful career, its my dream and my ideal job be the President of the Chilean Republic.
For be a government minister, and a president of the republic is not easier you need many qualities and many skills, for example I need more of 35 years, a career, a good oratory and be a leader.
Well I would be good in the job because I am a very persistent person, I have good oratory, and many ideals that move my body for be a excellent person and of this form finished the injustice in my country.
The dificcult for obtain this job is the fact tha the politics is a dirty game and many people figth to see me fall down, but their people never made theirs purpurse!
see you!
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
My favorite subject
Hello people, how are you?
Today I wanna talks you about my favorite subject in my career, Public Administration, the subject´s name is "Historia de las instituciones politicas y administrativas de chile", and the teacher´s name is Bernando Navarrete yañez the better theacher that teach me in this moment in my opinion.
Well I like this subject for many reasons, for it´s importance, it´s theaching, for it´s theacher.
This subject is about the history of the institutions in my beatiful country, his characteristic, and his importance in my career and in my future job. Also this subject help me for understand many circuntances and many surprises that can exist in my future job.
The theacher of the subject that I like is a very prepared men, have a doctor in Goberment and Public Administration in the university institut Ortega y Gasset of Madrid, Spain, a magister in Politics science. in the Politic science institut of Universidad Catolica de Chile and a Magister in Socials science in the "Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina y Estudios Sociales"
bye people see you soon
Today I wanna talks you about my favorite subject in my career, Public Administration, the subject´s name is "Historia de las instituciones politicas y administrativas de chile", and the teacher´s name is Bernando Navarrete yañez the better theacher that teach me in this moment in my opinion.
Well I like this subject for many reasons, for it´s importance, it´s theaching, for it´s theacher.
This subject is about the history of the institutions in my beatiful country, his characteristic, and his importance in my career and in my future job. Also this subject help me for understand many circuntances and many surprises that can exist in my future job.
The theacher of the subject that I like is a very prepared men, have a doctor in Goberment and Public Administration in the university institut Ortega y Gasset of Madrid, Spain, a magister in Politics science. in the Politic science institut of Universidad Catolica de Chile and a Magister in Socials science in the "Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina y Estudios Sociales"
bye people see you soon
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
hello people
Today I wanna talks you about a interesting video called "¿schools kill creativity?, is about a conference realized for Sir Ken Robinson (a creativity expert) about the education system, and who this system eliminated the children`s possibility to be an artist, a musician, a writter, an actor, a painted, etc.
Well the conference centres on this capacity of the children and on how we have wasted it across the educational current system. On the exhibition are three topics: first the extraordinary evidence of the creativity humanizes, second the uncertainty that this produces on the future and third the extraordinary capacity of the children: capacity of innovation.
the expositor thinks that the creativity must have the same importance that the literacy since, if the children lack fear of being wrong this it makes them come to original results, and says that the educational systems prepare the people with the idea of that a mistake can be the worst thing that can happen and as result to remove the people of their creative capacity; there are taught they out of this capacity because there is prioritized what is taught stopping in last place to the arts.
For him the educational system is based on the idea of academic capacity, and that cause a imposibbility to be an artist.
see you when I see you!
Today I wanna talks you about a interesting video called "¿schools kill creativity?, is about a conference realized for Sir Ken Robinson (a creativity expert) about the education system, and who this system eliminated the children`s possibility to be an artist, a musician, a writter, an actor, a painted, etc.
Well the conference centres on this capacity of the children and on how we have wasted it across the educational current system. On the exhibition are three topics: first the extraordinary evidence of the creativity humanizes, second the uncertainty that this produces on the future and third the extraordinary capacity of the children: capacity of innovation.
the expositor thinks that the creativity must have the same importance that the literacy since, if the children lack fear of being wrong this it makes them come to original results, and says that the educational systems prepare the people with the idea of that a mistake can be the worst thing that can happen and as result to remove the people of their creative capacity; there are taught they out of this capacity because there is prioritized what is taught stopping in last place to the arts.
For him the educational system is based on the idea of academic capacity, and that cause a imposibbility to be an artist.
see you when I see you!
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
the best in your area

Hello people!
Today I wanna talk you about a person that I admire, his name is Ernesto "che" Guevara de la Serna, and his born on 14th of june of 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. He was a politician, warrior, writer and a medicician.
The Che Guevara was a important part of the Cuba revolution´s, was the major of the squad4, the president of the military school, and the rigt hand of Fidel Castro the major chief of the revolution.
I think his is the best in his area because never sold his opinion for personal interest, and his was solidary, friendship and faithful with all the people who needed him in every moment, in every place.
Him had many qualities for be the best, for example, he always was a puntually person, disciplined, faitfull and hade many courage in each battle, also he was very smart, a excellent politician and had a cold mind for takes importans decision in any circumstamce.
The reason that I admire him is very simple, I think that him is a example of faithfull and courage for any people in the world, he was a person that always think first in the others and after in him.
For be the best in mi opinion his done many think, but I remark the fact that was a excellente revolucionary and a excellent person.
After his death, his transformed in a world symbol against the social injustice and a big spirit.
Well that is all for today, Bye! and remember:
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
My future
Hello friends!
Today I wanna tells you about the expectatives that I have for my professional and personal future. Well I believe that in five years more I being a succesfull profesional and a good human been, because I always try learn a lot, be loyal and I never surrender in my life, even thought I Believes in the beaty of the life, and when the life kick me I show it mi better smile.
In a few years more I wanna going to live alone or with a few friends, the idea is been independent from my parents, have my owns rules, take my own decisions, take my own risks and make a lot of parties with my friends, my brother and my girl.
Most of the people in the world had an ideal future with many expensive cars, a beautiful girl or boy, an expensive house, a job with lkot of money, many kids, etc. But my ideal future is most simple than that I wanna been a culture person, been happy, and have many friends.
Today I wanna tells you about the expectatives that I have for my professional and personal future. Well I believe that in five years more I being a succesfull profesional and a good human been, because I always try learn a lot, be loyal and I never surrender in my life, even thought I Believes in the beaty of the life, and when the life kick me I show it mi better smile.
In a few years more I wanna going to live alone or with a few friends, the idea is been independent from my parents, have my owns rules, take my own decisions, take my own risks and make a lot of parties with my friends, my brother and my girl.
Most of the people in the world had an ideal future with many expensive cars, a beautiful girl or boy, an expensive house, a job with lkot of money, many kids, etc. But my ideal future is most simple than that I wanna been a culture person, been happy, and have many friends.
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009
my favorite photograph

Helloo!! people!
Today I wanna talk you about something very important to me, my favorite photograph.
Well the picture on the left is my favorite, because had a meaning to me and each time that I saw it I felt a lot of hapiness 'cos I felt like this photograph represented my life's philosophy.
The picture have a jamaica flag, with the face of Bob Marley, the king of the reggae, and down of the face, we can see the word FREEDOM.
This picture is a form of expression for the rastafari culture, and say us that the life is a beatiful moment to fight for the humans rights, and fight for the freedom of each country in this world, because all the people in the world are equal.
Also I loved this picture because was a present that my best friend give to me in celebration of five years of friendship.
Thanks for read my blog!
see you the next week:D
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
My most precious posession.
Hello teacher!
Today I wanna tell you about my most precious posession.
The most precious posession that I have isn't be a material and expensive thing, is something invisible, inmaterial and very spiritual thing, that fill my heart every day.
That thing is the friendship that I have with my friend Alexandra Luque Villalobos, She is a very nice, outgoing,honest and faithful girl. I met her three years and seven month ago in a park, ubicated in Providencia, Santiago de Chile between the "Metro Salvador"and "Metro Manuel Montt", the park's name is "Plaza de la aviación"andis beatiful, in the park exist a lot of big trees, a many green bench facing the beatiful pool.
Without her my life it would be sad, and many difficult because she is my support, my favourite adviser and themost precious possesion that I have!
Good bye,see yuo the next week.
Today I wanna tell you about my most precious posession.
The most precious posession that I have isn't be a material and expensive thing, is something invisible, inmaterial and very spiritual thing, that fill my heart every day.
That thing is the friendship that I have with my friend Alexandra Luque Villalobos, She is a very nice, outgoing,honest and faithful girl. I met her three years and seven month ago in a park, ubicated in Providencia, Santiago de Chile between the "Metro Salvador"and "Metro Manuel Montt", the park's name is "Plaza de la aviación"andis beatiful, in the park exist a lot of big trees, a many green bench facing the beatiful pool.
Without her my life it would be sad, and many difficult because she is my support, my favourite adviser and themost precious possesion that I have!
Good bye,see yuo the next week.
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